First Time In Biloxi

Visited Biloxi today. This lighthouse is the only one in existence that is in the middle of a four-lane highway.  Walking out the pier you see in the background, Bob and I were amazed by how shallow the water was.  He took a picture of our shadows as we peered over.

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One of the things we learned is  that Biloxi once had a 29 foot seawall that was badly damaged by a hurricane many years ago.  The Corps of Engineers designed a different solution to the problem.  Biloxi is now protected by a shallow area of water that stretches 300 feet out into the Mississippi Sound.  One can observe people walking in less than waist deep water in an area one would expect the water to be over their heads!

We visited Beauvoir (home of the Confederacy President Jefferson Davis the last 10 years of his life and where he wrote his memoirs).  This is a beautiful property which was a home for confederate veterans (and wives) for many years and includes a burial area and a Confederate Unknown grave.


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