Eagle Nest, NM 2016

One day I saw a woman walking around the RV park with a pair of ski poles.  That looked like a really good idea so I went to Angel’s Attic (local thrift store) and bought two (non matching sticks for $1.00 each). That has really made walking easier and we are up to a couple of mile walk in the early morning (sun at 8200 feet is pretty hot by 9 am).

DSC_3233 - Copy (577x800) DSC_3239 - Copy (532x800)  People look at me a little funny but I just tell them I am looking for the snow!

When we aren’t walking or doing a little sightseeing we are mostly reading with some time out for puzzle solving (crosswords and jigsaw). Here are a couple we did recently.

DSC_3251 (800x531) DSC_3314 - Copy (800x531)

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