Lake Superior

As we leave Lake Superior, we wanted to make sure we noted a few amazing factoids about the lake itself. We list a few, but you can find a lot more here.

• It is the largest in the world by surface area and the third largest by volume.

• It is larger in surface area and volume than the other Great Lakes combined.

• Because of its size, it’s often considered an inland sea

• The lake is only six hundred (600) feet above sea level.

• At its deepest is is more than twelve hundred (1200) feet below sea level. So the bottom of the lake is as far below sea level as the top is above!

• From Duluth at the western end of the lake to the Atlantic is more that 2300 miles.

• Most of the drop between the lake and the Atlantic happens at Sault Ste. Marie (21 feet) and Niagara Falls (167 feet).

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