Fjords Tour – Day 4

Today was more of a river and lake tour than the large bodies of water that we call fjords. It is unclear when one looks up the definition of a fjord whether it includes the lakes, rivers, etc. The scenery was spectacular, as usual, just different from the previous days.

Near our hotel. Speed limit and highway number are the same.
Wood shed with grass roof.
Sled wheel chairs?
River behind hotel.
Loen skylift. Didn’t go to 2000 feet in gondola because of the fog (and our cowardness).

Towns and villages pop up wherever there is land level enough to build on. Some of it is accessible only by water!

Sign may be too little, too late.
Literally pushed them out of the way.
At least the cows stayed off the road.
These pictures don’t capture the size and furor of the rivers.
The rivers are similar to those in the western US but many are larger and the volume of water seems much higher.
Could have taken pictures of waterfalls along the river every few kilometers. Some were higher, some wider, all amazing.

Went to some very high altitudes today so rivers rather than large open valleys. The up from the previous night did not seem nearly as steep as the ride down. Only a few pictures from the top because Bob just can’t seem to get close to the edge.

Just too high. Road down is partly visible.
More road down.
Marilyn was brave enough to go out to the end of the platform. Too bad she didn’t have the camera.
Another platform Bob couldn’t hack.
Part way down.
Almost a view of the top. It was higher than it looks.

The undergrowth was very different at altitude. It seemed like fewer rocks and more moss and ferns. It was still beautiful.

We are mostly above the large forests.
Like a large alpine lake.
Buildings need all the insulation they can get!

2 thoughts on “Fjords Tour – Day 4

    1. Marilyn takes a lot of the pictures. If they are in portrait mode, they are probably Bob’s; otherwise, it’s a toss up.

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